Jade Lee’s spotlight tour for One Rogue at a Time

%name Jade Lee’s spotlight tour for One Rogue at a Time
The second in Jade Lee’s saucy Rakes and Rogues series, One Rogue at a Time, comes out this December! To celebrate, Jade played a quick round of ‘Would You Rather?’ with us and sent an excerpt from the book to share.

Would you rather email an embarrassing message to your entire newsletter or eat a jar of mayonnaise? Ewwwwwww! Well, that kinda easy because I send out embarrassing stuff all the time. I’ve certainly sent silly things to my entire newsletter list. So I guess I’ve already picked!

In this excerpt our heroine (nicknamed Bluebell) is angling for our hero to take her to London where she can meet her father for the first time. She’s bargained for speaking lessons, and now she’s bartering for a ride to London. But she isn’t prepared for the price he demands.

“You want me to take you to Oxfordshire and then on to London,” Bram accused. “You want me to dress up this fine carriage and let you appear before your relations like a fine lady. You’ve been planning that from the moment you met me.”

“Ooo, an’ me a simple maid from ’Ull. Wot makes ye think I could muster all that?” She exaggerated her accent such that his back molars ground together in disgust.

“Admit it. That’s what you want.”

She lifted her chin. “And what if I do? You’re free t’ say no.”


“There. Fine. Ye’ve said it. But I can pay—”

He grabbed her chin, pulling it—and her—toward him. Part of him thrilled at finally touching her pristine skin. Part of him watched how her eyes widened and the pupils darkened, her mouth slipping open on a gasp. Was she afraid of him? Yes. Obviously. And he tried to care. He tried to tell himself that he didn’t want to punish her for crimes she hadn’t committed. But she was a schemer just like the others, and so he damned her all the same.

“I will take you to London,” he said, his voice low, his breath hot.

She didn’t answer, and he didn’t care.

“But there’s only one payment I’ll take.”

“No,” she whispered. “I’m a lady.”

“Say it all you like, Miss Bluebell, but I know the truth.”

She swallowed, trying to pull herself back, but she was still sitting on the barrel, so she had nowhere to run. She stilled and her eyes narrowed.

“Wot truth? That I want to go to London? That I want proof o’ my father? Or that you’re nothing but a man with ruttin—”

He kissed her. He wasn’t slow, and he wasn’t remotely gentle. And the fact that she was completely untutored in the way of kissing infuriated him even more. She was a lie. She deserved all the pain he could give her. She was…

She was an innocent, and he had to soften. He had to become gentle with her, and so he did. He didn’t want to, contradictory beast that he was. He liked his anger. Stoked it to a hot flame, but not against her.

So he softened. He gentled.

Where before he had simply wrenched her mouth to his, he now petted her chin. And though he had forced his tongue into her, he eased his penetration. He teased her and then pulled back.

“You are a lie,” he said to her panting chest.

“You are a brute,” she answered, anger vibrating out of her.

“Yes, and worse. I’m a bastard.”

“You’re not even ashamed.”

Oh, he was. He was riddled with shame, but he wouldn’t let her see it. She had to know the truth about him before she tried to play her games. “I’ll take you wherever you want to go, Miss Bluebell. But I’ll be taking you as I do it.”

He felt the impact of his words on her body. She shuddered, but she also licked her lips. Part of her wanted him, brute though he was.

“I am a lady.”

“Ladies spread their legs for me all the time.”

“Not me.”

“Then I’ll not take you anywhere.”

He felt her accept the truth of his words. Her body bowed, and her shoulders drooped. But when she spoke, her voice was strong with conviction.

“I don’t need you to take me. I’ve coin eno’. The mail coach goes to Oxfordshire and London.”

“You’ll be prey to every bloke who sees you.”

She finally jerked her chin away from the stroke of his fingers. “’At’s been true since I first started filling out a dress.” And then before he could anticipate her move, before it even registered that he was in danger, she lifted her knee.

How she’d maneuvered it so perfectly, he didn’t know. But one moment he was hard as a rock, still thinking of ways he could make her willing. The next there was a blinding flash of white-hot pain, and he was crumpled onto the ground.

He couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t think. He just knew pain. And one word:



Publisher is giving away 5 Copies of Jade Lee’s 50 Ways to Ruin a Rake. Winners will randomly be selected and contacted by the publisher after the blog tour is over. Good luck to all



%name Jade Lee’s spotlight tour for One Rogue at a Time

USA Today bestselling author Jade Lee has been crafting love stories since she first picked up a set of paper dolls. Ballgowns and rakish lords caught her attention early (thank you Georgette Heyer), and her fascination with the Regency began. An author of more than 40 romance novels and winner of dozens of reader awards, she brings laughter into the sexy nights of England’s elite. Quirky characters and sexy banter are her hallmarks. Find out more at her website www.JadeLeeAuthor.com, or check out her wild contemporary half at www.KathyLyons.com.

A **Spicy Latte** for 50 Ways to Ruin a Rake

%name A **Spicy Latte** for 50 Ways to Ruin a Rake

50 Ways to Ruin a Rake by Jade Lee is fresh, witty, H-O-T, and full of charm. This spicy latte book is refreshing and absolutely fabulous!

Melinda “Mellie” Smithson is prepared to do just about anything to avoid marrying her cousin. A man she has no feelings beyond friendship.

All Mellie desires is to be loved and accepted. While she loves working and doing research, very few men appreciate and respect women that do.

Trevor Harrison Anaedsley needs a wife to inherit his Duke title and the wealth that goes with it. So, when he makes Mellie a proposal of a different kind, will they both get what they really want?

What will it take for Trevor to finally realize the one thing he wants? There is no way to  put a price on happiness, will Mellie find the one thing she desires? This plan may wind up rescuing both of them through self discovery, pleasure and wit.

%name A **Spicy Latte** for 50 Ways to Ruin a RakeJust enough sizzle to make you tingle. For mature readers, 18+

I received this ARC for a fair and honest review. I absolutely loved this story and think that Jade Lee is fabulous. I can’t wait for her next book.

Author Info:

%name A **Spicy Latte** for 50 Ways to Ruin a Rake

USA Today bestselling author Jade Lee has been scripting love stories since she first picked up a set of paper dolls. Ball gowns and rakish lords caught her attention early (thank you, Georgette Heyer), and her fascination with the Regency began. An author of more than thirty romance novels and winner of dozens of industry awards, Lee lives in Champaign, Illinois.

Buy Links:
Amazon: https://amzn.to/1OD5xFc
Apple: https://apple.co/1CPs5JS
BAM: https://bit.ly/1ywATJN
B&N: https://bit.ly/1cwZ3dg
Chapters: https://bit.ly/1OD5XLC
Indiebound: https://bit.ly/1ILWvVQ
Kobo: https://bit.ly/1J4AoXr


50 Ways to Ruin a Rake Blog Tour – A Quiz with Jade and an Excerpt

%name 50 Ways to Ruin a Rake Blog Tour   A Quiz with Jade and an Excerpt

Today I’m excited to welcome Jade Lee to the blog! Jade’s latest title, 50 Ways to Ruin a Rake, was released May 5th and is the first in her hilarious new Rakes & Rogues series. To celebrate her new release, Jade is here to share a quiz. See if you can guess correctly!

Question: I’m starting to get goofy. We’re getting to the end of a 25 stop blog tour, and I’ve been writing unique posts for every site. If you’ve been following along, you’ve learned all about 50 Ways to Ruin a Rake, most especially that it’s sexy and funny and the best thing I’ve written so far. I hope you pick it up. In the meantime, you get the goofy blog multiple choice.

What is Jade’s favorite attire to write in?

A. Part of being a professional writer is showing up as if it were a regular 9-5 job. That means suit, heels, and typing with well manicured nails.

B. Well manicured nails? Hahahaha! They’re bitten to the quick and I’m in my pajamas. Be happy it’s cold or I’d be naked.

C. I have a treaddesk, that means walking while I write. Miles upon miles. So it’s shorts, a tee, and a water bottle strapped to my hip.

D. I’m all about soft. Soft sweats, fuzzy slippers, extra comfy sweatshirt, and a purring cat on my lap.

Answer: D. Part of the allure of becoming a writer was that I no longer had to wear heels, pantyhose, or even clothes, so A is really wrong. I’m not in my pjs because I needed coffee this morning so I went out for it. I do have a treaddesk, but that’s for emails and other stuff. I tend to create better sitting down when I don’t have to worry about falling on my nose. So it’s about comfy sweats and a purring cat on my lap. Sadly, the cat is absent now. She’s off hunting mice, but somehow I persevere!

An Excerpt:

Trevor was down. Ronnie was going to finish the fight. But he hadn’t reckoned on Melinda. She’d been an unwilling participant in this whole disgusting display. Well, if her cousin wanted a Cheltenham tragedy, she would bloody well give him one.

She surged forward, having no need to fake the desperation in her voice. “Stop it! Ronnie, stop it now!” And when he didn’t hear her, she said the words she’d never thought she’d utter in her entire life. “My love!”

That got his attention. His fist was raised, but he looked to her, his eyes alight with excitement. “Mellie!”

She flung herself forward. Dropping to her knees, she slid in the mud, coming to a stop just where she’d intended—right beside Trevor’s head. Ronnie reached for her, but she pushed him away as she wrapped herself around the fallen lord.

“Stay away, you brute!” she practically spit at her cousin. Then she used her cloak to dab at the blood on Trevor’s face. “My love, my love, are you alive? Oh God, someone fetch a doctor! Please, someone!”

Her words were ten times more dramatic than were needed, but she’d learned that the best way to deliver a message to her cousin was in the most theatrical tone possible. So she cradled Trevor in her arms and crooned like any heroine in the most lurid gothic romance.

Trevor’s face was indeed a battered mess, but not so unrecognizable that she didn’t see the gleam of appreciation in his eyes or the mischievous smile that pulled at his swollen lip.

“Are you an angel?” he asked. “Have I died?”

The man was lying in the mud, his ankle nearly snapped in half. His face oozed from a myriad of cuts, and yet he still had the wherewithal to give the crowd a good show. It was enough to make her contemplate dropping him in the mud. She didn’t, of course, but she hoped her glare would suffice.

Meanwhile, Ronnie just stood there poised, his fist still raised as he gaped. “Mellie?”

She looked up, shooting a venomous look at his bloodied fist. “Do you mean to trounce me as well? Lay me out in the mud and the shite like last week’s garbage?”

“What?” Ronnie took a moment to understand while she gestured with her chin toward his fist. Then he abruptly gasped and shook out his hand, dropping it helplessly to his side. “But I won. This was an affaire d’honor.”

“Congratulations,” she mocked. “You beat a man half your weight.”

“Hey!” muttered Trevor. “I’m not that small.”

“Oh shut up. I’m making a point.” Then she turned her attention to her cousin. Best make the situation absolutely clear. “You were right, Ronnie. You have made everything so clear to me. I could never love a brute like you. It’s him I want. A man of elegance, not violence.”

She watched her cousin absorb her words, his mind obviously working slowly, and no wonder. Certainly, Ronnie was an accomplished fighter, but he’d never in his life been called a brute. He was a poet, for God’s sake. And his father was wont to call him a useless fribble with no starch whatsoever. Of course, both appellations were completely wrong, but truth didn’t matter here. Not when he’d wanted drama. And so she stretched the truth—she outright broke it—and she felt no remorse.

“I love Trevor,” she said loudly enough for everyone to hear.

“Since when?” her cousin demanded.

Since never. She had a thorough disgust of them both. Especially as Trevor began to speak in a quavering voice.

“Oh, to finally hear those words, now in the moments before I expire. My life is complete.”

“You’re not dying,” she hissed. Unless he was hurt more than he appeared. The thought shot her with alarm until he started speaking again.

“I am dying!” he cried. “Kiss me, my love. Kiss me, and mayhap your love will keep me tethered to this mortal coil.”

“I will not,” she said between clenched teeth.

He pitched his voice to a plaintive wail. “Then I shall die for sure!”

Damnation on all bloody, arrogant, ridiculous men! One glance about her showed that the crowd was hanging on his every word. She didn’t really care until she looked at Ronnie’s face. He wasn’t stupid. He could see that Trevor wasn’t really hurt. It wouldn’t take him long to remember that she’d never spoken of Trevor with anything but disdain. And from there it was a small step to realizing that this entire display was a sham. So she had to do something quickly. Something that he’d never forget, even if he did suspect the lie.

So she did it. She kissed Trevor.

*****One Jade Lee Prize Pack will be randomly selected by the Publisher at the end of the blog tour on or around 5/19/15

Rafflecoptor Link: a Rafflecopter giveaway *****

Author Info:

%name 50 Ways to Ruin a Rake Blog Tour   A Quiz with Jade and an Excerpt

USA Today bestselling author Jade Lee has been scripting love stories since she first picked up a set of paper dolls. Ball gowns and rakish lords caught her attention early (thank you, Georgette Heyer), and her fascination with the Regency began. An author of more than thirty romance novels and winner of dozens of industry awards, Lee lives in Champaign, Illinois.

Buy Links:
Amazon: https://amzn.to/1OD5xFc
Apple: https://apple.co/1CPs5JS
BAM: https://bit.ly/1ywATJN
B&N: https://bit.ly/1cwZ3dg
Chapters: https://bit.ly/1OD5XLC
Indiebound: https://bit.ly/1ILWvVQ
Kobo: https://bit.ly/1J4AoXr

This Spicy Latte post is all about plans, kisses, and secrets. A perfect mix for this Jade Lee treat!

rakesrenegadesandroguesohmy mixedgenrebundle200 This Spicy Latte post is all about plans, kisses, and secrets. A perfect mix for this Jade Lee treat!

Engaged in Wickedness by Jade Lee is a spicy and refreshing tale of a young woman whose only desire is to be kissed and kissed well! This spicy little novella is a wicked start to a steamy series that is included in the first collection of A Dozen Rakes and Rogues,  Oh My!

Lady Gwen finds herself in a precarious and dangerous situation when she witnesses a young girl and a disastrous glass of punch. The commotion and distraction are a welcomed distraction. Barron Edward Murray wants to get close to Lady Gwen but has no idea how to approach her. So, he devises a plan. His dear friend, the same lady who meets the glass of punch, is in on the plan.

Barron Edward has an agenda and plans to lure Lady Gwen into a trap. But, is it a trap if she wants to be caught? Both are playing games. Will they give in to their desires? What is it that they truly want? All Gwen appears to want is to be kissed. However, Gwen tests him because she’s craving something else and he’s determined to figure it out. Will it cost him everything?

Unfortunately she has an agenda of her own and is looking in the most unusual places to find it. Will she? Can she wait to find a man who will excite and love her? How does Edward fit into this? When she realizes that there is more to this scheme, she becomes frustrated and feels manipulated. What will happen when they realize that the one thing they both want might be more attainable than they thought? Will these secrets push them apart or bring them together?

This novella is the beginning to Jade Lee’s Bridal Favors Series and is included in the collection: A Dozen Rakes, Renegades and Rogues, Oh My!: The First Collection. It is a must read and this new series is definitely on my reading list! Nothing says love anytime of the year like a few spicy and romantic stories for my e-reader.

I adore these historical romance books and loved it from start to finish. I received an ARC of this novella from the author for a fair and honest review and am glad she did. I’ve read a few of the Bridal Favor books and love them! If you’ve never read Jade Lee then this is the perfect novella to introduce you to a fabulous writer! And a fabulous price of $2.99 for this collection, so pre-order on Amazon. Well…what are you waiting for? Treat yourself this holiday weekend!

%name This Spicy Latte post is all about plans, kisses, and secrets. A perfect mix for this Jade Lee treat!Just enough sizzle to make you tingle.  For mature audience, 18+


%name This Spicy Latte post is all about plans, kisses, and secrets. A perfect mix for this Jade Lee treat!

USA Today Bestseller, JADE LEE has been scripting love stories since she first picked up a set of paper dolls. Ball gowns and rakish lords caught her attention early (thank you Georgette Heyer), and her fascination with the Regency began. And as a Taurus, she lives to pit a headstrong woman against a tortured hero just to watch them butt heads on the way to true love. Flesh wounds are rare, but the healing and laughter are real.

Now an author of more than 30 romance novels, she finally gets to set these couples in the best girl-heaven of all: a Bridal Salon! This way she gets to live out all her wedding fantasies, one by one. (Let’s be honest, what girl has only one idea for her dream wedding?) For more on the Bridal Favors series, visit Jade on the web at her websiteFacebook or Twitter.

And don’t forget Jade’s other name, KATHY LYONS. That’s Jade’s lighter, contemporary side. She writes for Harlequin Blaze merging hawt sex and funny relationships into really great reads.

Here’s the link to her Bio Page: https://jadeleeauthor.com/bio

Coffee With Jade Lee

%name Coffee With Jade Lee%name Coffee With Jade Lee

rakesrenegadesandroguesohmy mixedgenrebundle200 Coffee With Jade Lee

First, if we were meeting at a coffee shop I’d be drinking a Latte 🙂 What would you order? I usually drink a soy latte, but I’ve given up caffeine. 🙁 On the up side, I’ve temporarily replaced it with sugar just to get over the doldrums. Or because I like sugar! So…it’ll be a decaf mocha or creme brulee or something amazing except for the no caffeine part. You know, I feel like I’m not nearly as sharp without the caffeine kick, so any tendency to ramble is completely blamed on that. Or because I generally babble…

Thanks so much for taking the time to answer a few questions. You write so many different series, which one do you find the most challenging? I really enjoy the Bridal Favors Series – will there be any more books? If so how many books do you anticipate in this series? How much research did you do for this? What can we look forward to in 2015?

What I find challenging is staying in one genre for more than two books in a row. I guess I get bored easily. Historicals are more lyrical, slower paced, and really get deep into the characters. I’m also moving more funny with them, so it’s a real challenge to mix in humor without losing the epic feel. My Kathy Lyons contemporaries are light and fun with more action and less depth. They’re a good switch up before diving back into a lush historical.

And yes, I’m staying in the Bridal Favors world, but not calling it that. The next book is FIFTY WAYS TO RUIN A RAKE. It’s probably the best book I’ve ever written. It’s funny and sexy. They’ve given a new series name to it–Not Quite Ladies–and it’s the beginning of the new funnier Jade Lee. But it’s still got some favorite characters from the Bridal Favors series. Clear as mud? Oh, and there will be at least 3 more books, but probably more beyond that as well. Lots of people to make sure find love!

8 Tantalizing Tidbits:

1. A Must read book and why? Oh lord…I hate answering questions like this. People hand me books all the time and tell me that I must read this book because of one reason or another. But if I’m not in the mood or don’t like the topic, it’s not a must read for me. Going back to the classics, I loved THE ONCE AND FUTURE KING. But then I also adore the Dresden books by Jim Butcher. Want romance? I’m going to tell you that my books are the best because for me, they are. After all, who is my first reader? MYSELF! So I told myself a great story! How about mystery? Well, don’t look at me. I haven’t a clue. Which means — I’ve got no answer for you! Just read!

2. What is one place that I should see if I visit your hometown? Worse and worse! I live near the University of Illinois which offers a huge variety of whatever thrills you. Pick a Big 10 sport –we got it! Want culture? Both the U of I and Parkland Community College offer theater, choral, and orchestral events. I love custom jewelry. So I often go to gem shows at Christopher’s Fine Jewelry. They’re fun just to hang out and browse. And then we have a couple big movie theaters and a ton of stuff I haven’t even thought of yet. What’s your pleasure? You can find something like it around here. We are the cultural capitol of the cornfields!

3. Castles or Beaches? Beaches! Sand, sun, and hot surfers to ogle. What’s not to love?

4. One thing readers would be surprised to know about you. I went pro in racquetball for two weeks before blowing my knees. I never even filled out the paperwork, but in my mind, I was a pro athlete. For a very short period of time…

5. What is your guilty pleasure? Plants vs. Zombies 2. OMG, I play too much of it. It’s an addictive game/ap. I’ve even sucked others into the addiction.

6. What are you afraid of? A meaningless life. Seriously. I’d like to have a positive effect on the world. Don’t know that I do that by writing romance, but I’d like to think so. I feel called to write–joyously and creatively–so hopefully that means something. Or it might just mean I like writing about happily ever after with a lot of hot sex…

7. Would you rather see a movie in the theatre or at home on DVD and why? I love the movie experience, but honestly…I’m a middle aged woman. I have to pee a lot. I love pausing the movie, going to the bathroom, then probably visiting the kitchen afterwards for some chocolate. (I’m a chocoholic). Plus, I have a cat who likes lap time while I watch. Can’t get warm lap kitty in a movie theater! So all in all–at home movies!

8. Do you love to cook or go out to eat? It would be hard to express how terrible a cook I am. Flat out AWFUL. So…out to eat whenever possible. Otherwise it’s hot dogs and yogurt cups. Sounds disgusting, huh? Yeah. That’s how bad I cook.

Bonus Tidbit- thank you 🙂

9. If you could invite 3 people to dinner (not friends and family – that’s too easy) who would you invite? It could be anyone past or present. I would love to sit down with Joss Whedon. OMG, he’s brilliant. As is Steven Moffat (BBC Writer/producer for Dr. Who and Sherlock) And then I’d love to add in Johnny Depp because he seems to be so eclectic in his art. I’d love his perspective. In short — three of the great artists of our day. I want to talk to them about their work. How they work. I want to learn from them. I want to absorb their ambiance. I want to get all fan girly on them. And then I’d just like to listen.


jadesitting 2019 Coffee With Jade Lee


USA Today Bestseller, JADE LEE has been scripting love stories since she first picked up a set of paper dolls. Ball gowns and rakish lords caught her attention early (thank you Georgette Heyer), and her fascination with the Regency began. And as a Taurus, she lives to pit a headstrong woman against a tortured hero just to watch them butt heads on the way to true love. Flesh wounds are rare, but the healing and laughter are real.

Now an author of more than 30 romance novels, she finally gets to set these couples in the best girl-heaven of all: a Bridal Salon! This way she gets to live out all her wedding fantasies, one by one. (Let’s be honest, what girl has only one idea for her dream wedding?) For more on the Bridal Favors series, visit Jade on the web at her websiteFacebook or Twitter.

And don’t forget Jade’s other name, KATHY LYONS. That’s Jade’s lighter, contemporary side. She writes for Harlequin Blaze merging hawt sex and funny relationships into really great reads.

Here’s the link to her Bio Page: https://jadeleeauthor.com/bio

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